Meet Our Team

In the event world … details MATTER! That’s why MSI makes sure we put the right people with the right tools to hit every cue! They are collaborative, flexible, creative and …YEP, they are a bit obsessed with the details!!

Morgan Kirk

Morgan Kirk


Project Management
Lighting Design

Vinnie Melella

Vinnie Melella


Technical Direction
Stage & Set Design
Problem Solving
Account Management

Cody Gragani

Cody Gragani

LEAD Technician

Audio Engineer

Bill Matuse

Bill Matuse

Technical Director

Technical Direction
Video Projection
Equipment Inventories
Project Management

Breana Fry

Breana Fry

Office Manager

Client Relations
Contract Reviews

Wayne J. Picard

Wayne J. Picard

Creative Services

Business Development
Event & Staging Design
Account Management

Steven Lane

Steven Lane

Director of Sales

Business Development
Account Services
Production Design
Project Management

Josh Condor

Josh Condor

LEAD Technician

Lighting Systems
Project Management

Matt Talmage

Matt Talmage

LEAD Technician

Video Engineer
Inventory Tracking

Shaun Lamonski

Shaun Lamonski

Sr. Technical Director

Technical Direction
Project Planning
Project Management

We're Ready to Listen

If you're ready for a audio, visual company that asks high-value questions, are creative thinkers, obsessed with details, and can visual re-create your ideas ... then let's talk.

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